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Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas #1 with the Johnsons.

Poor Max not feeling well, fever and such but we couldn't miss Christmas!

Monday, December 21, 2009

List making... Shopping... wrapping... hiding.
Who did I forget? Will they notice?
Ah! Christmas!

I really am excited this year for Max! this is going to be a wonderful Christmas for him. He knows all about opening presents. And saying WAAAAAAAAOOOW when he sees something cool. I'm sure there will be some lessons on sharing as well.

I had to empty a linen closet to hide all the gifts. I wasn't sure if Max would be tempted to open them. Never had to hide gifts before but I know it's something my parents did and now I suppose it's my turn. We'll need a better spot next year and as he gets smarter, taller and sneakier.

We didn't see Santa this year for photos. I totally intended to it just never happened. I kept waiting for a Monday off to avoid the crowds and missed my chance! Seems like everything got very buys towards the end of December. They may have done Santa photos at daycare so maybe we will get one of those and I won't have the guilty mommy feelings for missing a year.

We were going to try and do hand made gifts for Johnson Family but the idea was canceled due to short notice issues. Now what am I supposed to do with that oil painting of Reese? Oh well It doesn't look like her anyway, pressure is off ! SHEW!

Just 2 more days of work then the wonderful craziness begins... I feel full and tired already just thinking about it. :) Cheers everyone! and Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Our Little Tree

We went back to Jacks Christmas tree farm again this year. We got a smaller tree and I really like. I love the hodgepodge of family and homemade ornaments.

Ben did some experimenting with setting on the camera and got some cool light show stuff. He is so creative!

Yesterday we were invited to our first cookie decorating party! It was..... fun and messy. I'm so glad Max has some neighbor hood friends so fun to walk down the street for a visit!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm so glad Max's school picts turned out so cute. We had a ruff morning that day and he didn't want to got to school. Instead of arguing with him about what shoes I let him wear the boots and threw shoes in his bag. His hair was a mess we had all woken up late and I grabbed the first sweater I could reach and headed out the door in a mad dash.

As we walked to his class room and I reassured my tearful boy that everything would be okay I noticed a photographer setting up... ut oh! Yep! Picture day! What you didn't get the memo!

I told his teacher the sweater was cute and his shoes are in his bag. I was very surprised to see he had his fireman boots on in this picture but also very glad! I love them and the story they remind me of - it all turned out perfect!