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Thursday, January 29, 2009

had fun outside with Max today. He started feeling better yesterday and went to day care today. After we got home we wanted to go play outside. He looked so cute in his baseball outfit I had to take some video and stills. Mostly he likes to take tiny handfulls of dirt and walk them all the way over to the wheelbarow and throw them in. In one video I think he is licking the dirt but now I think he was doing sign language for thank you.


Carrying handfuls of dirt to the wheelbarrow.

Inspecting the garden.

Chasing Dogs.

Inspecting baby pool under deck.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So these are photos of Skyla Jeremys daughter because I have not new stuff of Max. Poor Max has been under the weather since Thursday. His daycare called Thursday and told me his temperature was creeping up and up and last they checked it was 99 and I needed to come get him at 100. Friday and Sat. Ben and I worried and doted our little munchkin with Pedialight drinks and Tylenol. His Temperature got up to about 102 at it's highest. Saturday around 9AM he seemed to pop out of his sleepy sick state for the good part of that day which was good because I had birthday stuff I was looking forward to. I don't think his fever went up much after that but he was just tired and cranky for most of Sunday wanting to be held and loved so we did. Monday morning he ate really good and we were hoping the cold was on it's way out but that night he broke out in a rash from the top of his head down all over his torso. The Dr. said to give him Benadryl and watch it. I guess it much be an itch rash too because poor Max was scratching his head and coughing all night. But somehow he woke up with a smile anyway and ate a good breakfast. I'm told the rash is related to the fever and should be gone in a week. Let's hope so!! I gave him a nice luke warm Aveno oatmeal bath and rubbed on some lotion and that seemed to help. I hope he get's better really soon and stays that way but with daycare and winter season it's hard to keep everyone well.

As for my Birthday I would like to say thanks to everyone for all the wonderful gifts and well wishes. Saturday Mom and I went to the 1st Annual Women Expo in Athens. It was a collection of business that women would be interested in, jewelry, massage, purses and shoes, eyeglasses and chic shades and charities for women. It was okay and we got some free stuff like pens, mints and nail files. Then we went to lunch at a cute little cafe I've always wanted to try and after that mom baby sat while Ben and I went to see the movie Paul Blart, Mall Cop, HILARIOUS! I loved it and the theater was packed at 3:15 because it's the only fun movie out there right now. The others are too serious for us. Then we went to Barbaritos where we ate and talked without being interrupted once- a new concept, for those who have kids - you know what I mean.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

Screen shots from my computer at work during the Post Nap Show. Max and Ben were playing with Ben's glasses and baseball cap. Max liked looking thru the "hole" in the back of the hat.

Max took this photo all by himself!!!
He is obviously very talented and a natural photographer :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Max got this adorable hat for Christmas and he really loves it so he asked me to put in on him. When I got the camera out he smiled for the camera with this squinchy nose.

I decided to leave the room for FIVE seconds! (okay maybe it was more like 5 min. but still!) too cute had to get some photos.

This is our living room and dining room a few days after christmas. As you can see our new TV was sitting on my desk with cords going every which-a-way and Max was using his new bicycle as a place to watch his new TV. I put Shrek on and he watched for a few min. in amazement! It didn't look that big in the store! Sense then Ben has mounted it on the wall and we have gotten rid of the gigantic 32" tube TV that sat in the corner and the christmas tree and I'm feeling much less cramped! It looks so good! Now we can have a super-bowl party or something!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Max Christmas Morning and Grama Maggies running around using the phone all dressed and ready to go to MeMike and Pop's house.

Max and Jake are becoming good buddies. Max likes to sit on Jake and thought that makes him nerious he knows that Max often has food in those little hands of his and Jake is not going to pass up any food. This was a sweet moment between the two and although I loaded them out of order I'm glad I caught it on camera.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow 2009! sounds so futuristic. What year did the Jetsons take place in? I wonder if hover crafts are fuel efficient? I'm excited to see what 2009 has to bring This is the year of the Ox and I'm an Ox so that's got to be good! I heard that all the 80's styles are coming back - pull out those white jean jackets girls! I wonder what I did with my hot pink lame earrings and matching high heels?

I have lot's of plans for this year.
I wrote out some resolutions and heard one of the best ways to keep resolutions was to tell everyone.... should I? okya here goes my boring resolutions. 1) loose 50 lb's 2) Make more art, specifically paint a portrait of Max and create an inventory or artwork 3) Do more for charity, participate in a weekend with Habitat for Humanity and/or walk for Relay for Life 4) Have an art show before 2010 5) Exercise 6 days a week 6) walk the dogs more. 7) Do one thing each quarter to add value to my home. Few! maybe I should cut it dow to just 3 resolutions. One thing that isn't on my list anymore is "quit smoking" YEA!!!!! We have been smoke free for over 2 years now and it feel so good! Hopefully next year I can say that about my weight!

What does Max have in store to 2009? He is working on his vocabulary and motor skills. He is very good and saying yes and no and answering questions. It almost feels like we are having a conversations sometimes. He would like to try out the youth bed and maybe pick out some cool new sheets. He wants to get his closet organized and cut a few new teeth. Outside he would like to master his slide and tricycle and do more yard work with Dad.

Love you all! Happy '09