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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas at the Olsen's

Christmas at the Olsen's

By the third and final Christmas celebration Max had the gift Un-wrapping down pretty good! Above are some of my favorite picts of his reaction to his gifts. As you can see he loves his new race car rug, football, airplane and bicycle. We had a big traditional Lunch with Turkey, Ham and all the fixin's once we sat down to eat I realized that I had completely forgotten to make my broccoli slaw! All the ingredients were still sitting on the counter where I had left them - whoops!

Please be sure to go to our flickr page to see all the photos - there are some really great ones. If you see one you like click on in until you see some options above the photo, Click on "all sizes" and download the size you like.
Christmas at the Johnson's

Great Granddaughter Reese with papa. Isn't she a doll!

All the cousins have matching pj's so cute! Aunt Becky always comes up with the best ideas! Not sure how I got stuck in these photos - just focus on the babies!

Max's 1st Yourk Peppermint Patty. I think he likes it!

The Boys were playing and eating ice from the coolers.

Max trying out Finnleys Present - almost fits him.

After we had Christmas at Maggie's we headed over to Ben's Parents home. They always put on such a wonderful Christmas. inside the foyer was a small cluster of photos of all the kids and hand made ornaments. There were presents all over the place and a plethora of snacks for munching. There TV had a setting that would display different famous paintings so if you notice a painting that changes in the background that's what it is. Becky brought over some bread and brownies and Quaker Friendship bread that I forgot to get when I left, bummer! The kids were so cute in there PJ's. Reese's eyes will stop you in your tracks they are so cute! If anyone ever saw Shrek 2 with and the character 'Poos-in-boots', it's just like that! It was great to see Mema and Papa and they seemed to be in great health. It is always a pleasure to see them and spend time together. M&R gave Max a neat slide for in or outside that he and Finn loved to use. then we all went to the playground to work off some of out christmas goodies.
Christmas Morning At Grama Maggies

My First Present a Microphone because, like my mom, I like to hear myself talk!

Now a little Breakfast with Gram

Gram Loves to look at pictures of ME!

Now I'm all dressed for Christmas at the Johnson's!

I like these Santa Slippers!

Christmas Morning At Maggie's

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve in Atlanta at Mom's Condo. Our Christmas dinner was Chinese takeout my favorite! YUM! The night was a little ruff for Max with his cold and not knowing where he was so we all woke up a little bit groggy but excited about the day ahead! Mom had such a fun time with Max feeding him and playing with him and I know he had a great time too.

We gave Maggie 4 oversized prints of Max for Christmas with 2 lines of poetry on each print that made up a poem about grandsons. The photos were ones that she liked or had special meaning for her. Choosing just 4 was the biggest challenge for me because there are so many cute one. I tried to make the photos look like they were film and not digital and Black and White to make they congruent if she decides to hang them together. Here is the poem below I think it fits well because she always call Max her "angel baby".

God had somthing to say
 So he sent an angel my way

A grandson to love 
Directly from heaven above
Max is so happy and carefree 
No greater love could there be

As he grows from day to day 
I know God sent an angel my way

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Jack's Christmas Tree Farm

We headed out to get our tree this weekend. It was a fun little trip where Max got to see some farm animals. The goat was so cute! It would let you pet it like a dog or cat and it would squint it eyes like he was saying "thank you sooo much that feels so good!" Max was a little timid but intrigued.
Random Funny Photos

Can't believe I got this one with the antlers - they were on his head exactly .02 seconds.

This is where Max kinda go stuck with on leg in and one leg out of the window of his space ship.

Max's Home made space ship.

It was nice to have a few days off with no plans the Saturday and Sunday after Thanksgiving however since it was so rainy and we were stuck inside we got a little stir crazy. To help the cabin fever I went out into the garage and got a big box we were storing yard sale stuff in and turned it into a fort for Max. These photos are of the next day home with Dad. Max put a bib in and wore it like a cape as he played with his cardboard space ship.

these are shots from the mall in Athens. We went there a few weeks ago to get a photo of Max with Santa. The photo didn't turn out too good so we will spare you but these shots on the coin toys were cute. Max knew right were to grab and looks like a natural.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Screen shots from today

I'm so lucky that I live in an age of technology and have a husband who knows how to make it all work! When Max stays at home with Dad I get to see him wake up over the internet for free using the web cam built into Ben's computer. They sit at the computer for a few min. and flirt with me before they have lunch - the highlight of my day!