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Friday, August 31, 2007

Hello everyone, I wanted to share some great lullabies found on iTunes. If you have iTunes look up Rockabye baby and you will find popular songs turned into lullabies. They have Greenday, No Doubt, Bob Marley, Pink Floyd and much more they are really great if you have a baby or not - check them out they worked on Ben!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

We finaly cought was seems to be a smile!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Grandpa & Grandma Olsen

Jack and Fran came to visit Monday. It did my hert good to see my Dad hold my Son and imagine future outings for the two of them. It took a while for Max to wake up and open his eyes but he did get a good look at his Grandparents before they had to go.

Max had his 2 week check up today. The appointment was at 10:15AM, exactly 2 weeks from the time he was born. He gained back almost one pound since his last check up weighing in at 9lb 3oz. None of his NB (new born) clothes fit anymore. I'm not sure how long we will be in the #1 diapers either. Thanks goodness we got a few different sizes at our baby showers.

He makes the funniest faces and cracks Ben and I up all the time. We are gong to try and load up some video here soon so check back in a few days.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Finnley's Visit!

Max's cousin Finnley came to visit yesterday along with Uncle Gabe, Aunt Rebecca, MeMike & Pops! It was so cute to see Finnley with Max. Finnley is 2 years and it made us imagine Max being that age. Fun to imagine the two of them playing together when Max get's bigger. Finnley was very gentle with Max and said he loved baby Max. Along with Finnley they brought Ben and I a bunch of yummy casaroles to stock our refrigerator & Freezer. I'm so grateful not to have to cook just yet.

Max is slowly having more awake time between naps. It's nice to see his eyes more often and wonder what color they will end up being more blue or more green. I need to get better about napping when he does but I end up watching him or getting stuff done around the house instead. It's starting to catch up with me a bit so Ben takes over from 6AM to 9AM and let's me sleep in.

Max's Uncle Nate and Aunt Beth came to visit Thursday. They brought us some Zaxby's Salads and we have a wonderful visit. It was nice to get cleaned up, out of our PJ's and have an adult conversation. Max was an angel during their visit. They held him the entire visit, kept him happily snoozing while Ben and I enjoyed our lunch.

It was fun for Nate and Beth to see Jake again too. They gave us Jake years ago. They rescued him from an emergency vet. They couldn't believe how big Jake has gotten. If you could see how Jake practically knocked Nate over and gave him kisses you would think Jake remembered them too and was giving Nate a big Thank YOU!

Max is lucky to have such a wonderful family!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Click here to check out Max's Flicker page for all his photos

We came home Sunday at 5PM. It was scary leaving the hospital with all the wonderful Nurses and wonderful advise but they assured me that Ben and I would do fine and they reminded us to just have fun! Great Advise! Our Friends Wahn & Gloria, and my mom came with us and helped us get all the bags in and get settled. The first 2 days Max and I pretty much stayed in our bed room. Today we have expanded to the living room. It was easier those 1st few days to keep everything contained to one room. We did however go for a walk Monday across the street to see the neighbors and get a little sun to help the Jaundice. And today we were in the back yard playing fetch with the dogs.

Max is a really good baby, he eat every 3 hours and sleeps in between. He had his 1st Dr.'s visit yesterday and got checked out on his Jaundice, weight, and all his little tests came back perfectly normal. He had his 1st sponge bath at home yesterday. He wasn't waking up for his feeding so I thought a little bath might be fun and wake him up. It did and was lot's of fun for the whole house hold, including the dogs. I'm having fun dressing him up in different outfits but the onesies are the most practical. They don't get all bunched up when handeling him so thanks to everyone for the 247 onesies, they are coming in handy.

We have a pack -n- play my co-workers gave us set up downstairs and a basenett and changing table upstaris. This helps me from having to go up and down the stairs too much. I forget my surgery after I sit for a while and stand up and remember. It's hard to not do stuff around the house. My mom is still with us (thank goodness) She has been cooking, cleaning, shopping and baby sitting. Ben does most of the up and down for me. It seems like he is constantly running around getting stuff, organizing stuff, preparing stuff, he has probably been up and down 100 times since we got home - he is such a great Daddy and Husband!

We are all excited about making baby Max movies and sound files on our phones, photos and just having fun with technology and our new baby. We will try to update the blog more often now that I'm downstairs.

Love to hear from how all of you are doing so leave us a comment or two in the comments section or shoot us an e-mail.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Going Home Tomorrow

Hey everyone, we finally get to go home tomorrow. I'm excited and a little nervous about bringing a newborn home but we are not alone. Maggie will be staying with us the first few nights for support. It's nice to know that a medical professional will be right down the hall.

I did better today. Feedings are going well. I managed to be present for every feeding from 2:30 AM to 8:30 PM and eat, shower and nap in between. I'm skipping the 11 PM to get a solid 4 hours while I have nurses to help me.

Max is doing good as well. He is no longer on IV Fluid and his lungs are doing great. He has a little jaundice that they will check on tomorrow but it's not high enough to keep us in the hospital.

Even Ben was doing better today! He had family run some errands that freed him up to tend to dogs and actually have time to just sit for a min. and go over baby paper work etc.

I couldn't imagine doing this without all the love and support of my family and friends. Thank you to eveyone for all the well wishes and advise.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Day 3 of Life as Parents.

We knew we weren't having any visitors Friday and figured we would be able to catch up on sleep and have a relativly "easy" day but we both had to throw in the towel and nap at 2 different points. We will see how we do tomorrow living in our 3 hour segments of feed, pump, sleep.

We all get to go home Sunday some time. Max is doing really really well. He totally seems like he really smiles sometimes. Every one says it's gas but it's still melts my heart! He should be off his IV tomorrow by the end of the day. His Jondus is better and improving.

I'm doing good. Everyone said if you walk right after and keep it up you recover faster. Since Max is in NICU I have to walk from my room down one hall thru the lobby up the elivator down another hall to get to him. Doing that up and back every 3 hours has really helped I guess. I have had no pain "knock on wood" a relativly easy time walking. I haven't done any stairs yet, I'm saving that for Sunday.

I'll try and take more photos Saturday so you guys can see how much he has changed in just a few days.
Our Life at the Hospital (TMI?)

Wednesday we went to bed around 1AM. I couldn't sleep because I hadn't see Max since his delivery that morning. Ben had been Host to family and going back and forth to check on Max and to the house to let the dogs in and out.

1AM - 3AM the medicine mechine they had me hooked up to kept beeping very loud and not stopping for long periods of time waking us up on and off. 3AM - 6AM we got a good bit of sleep.

At 3 and 6 we called the NICU to check on Max and he was better every time we called. By 6AM they told us he was out of the oxy tent and we could touch him. By 2PM the Dr. said Max was well enough for us to try and breast feed him! yea! Both Ben and I got to hold him and love on him. All 5 grandparents came to visit and one Uncle and by 7pm of the 2nd night we were zombees!

Today we are still kinda zombees and are going to try and sleep all day between feeding Max and ourselves. So far I fed Max at 3AM and 6AM and I pumped for Ben to do an 8AM Feeding. I'm up again at 11:30 so I better catch some zz's.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Max was making all kinds of cute faces today. Click on any of the photos to see a larger one.

MeMike & Pops holding Max

The Popperatizi!

Here he is our bundle of joy! Maxwell Arden Johnson was born August 15th at 10:15 AM, 8lb, 15oz, 21 inches long. He had quite a bit of fluid in his lungs and was put in an oxygen tent in the NICU until this morning. Right now we are just waiting for the Dr. to come in between 10 & 12 to check and see if he can leave the NICU. He definatly recognizes mom's voice and likes it talk to him.

As for me I think I'm doing great! Groggy but I can walk a bit and my pain is next to nothing! Glad to have so much help and support from Friends and family and nurses. Everyone is making it so easy for me to just get better! Ben has been running around checking on Max then me then escorting family to see Max, taking photos and all your basic dad stuff with only a few hours sleep, bless his heart!

We love you all, enjoy the photos
ily, Anna

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I wonder which of these features Max will have? Just a few more hours til we get to meet him face to face!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Here are a few photos of the nursary from a few months ago. I wanted to upload some before the baby tornado came.

Just 4 day's to go until little Max is here. He has really been squirming these last few days. Ben and I are getting a little nervious that he may not make it till Wednesday the way Max seems so ready to get out of mom's belly. This is a photo of Ben and I sharing a kick from our son.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

2 days sooner!

Here is a photo of Max and I at 38 weeks. The c-section has been moved to August 15th at 9:30 AM so we can have the Doctor we want. The hospital is St. Mary's and Ben and I are very excited. This time next week Max will be here!

Click for a Cute Baby Animation

Friday, August 03, 2007


We went to the Dr.'s today and found out Max is 8lb's 3 oz and Breech. We have a tentative c-Sections scheduled for August 17th.

Wish us luck!