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Friday, October 31, 2008

Jeremy's Daughter Skyla

Jack, Fran and Sandra went to Minnesota to visit Skyla. She is Sandras granddaughter and J&F's great granddaughter. She is the spitting image of Jeremy. He is still in Japan and talks to Mom and baby often.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fun at the Park!

Southeast Athens-Clark Park is on my way home from work and I've been stopping by there to walk before I get home and start my 2nd job. It's fairly new and clean with lots of great stuff for everyone, They even have a skate park! We decided to go last Sunday and to our surprise there were lots of kids there. Max may need to be a tiny bit older before he can enjoy all the playground has to offer. He mainly just wanted to dig dig dig in the dirt. maybe we should get him a sand box.


We decoded to have a quick yard sale last weekend that ended up being a garage sale because the yard was too wet. We got rid of a lot of stuff and made a little bit of scratch. Most everything was sold for $1. I even sold all my handmade jewelry - I was very proud of that. It's neat to think of my stuff out in the world.

Max had a great time picking out stuff he liked and carrying it around the driveway. A cell phone, whistle tube, and birds of paradise. The pumpkins are not for sale but he cared them around anyway. And he found a new love for his travel bassinet. Here he is having a peanut butter sandwich in it. Max had lot's of opportunities to learn how far he CAN'T go toward the street, kept Ben and I very busy. He also hugged 2 of our customers!!!!! I should have charged ;)

My New Winter Froggy PJ's.
Check out his mannequin like pose.

Lot's of New Shoes!

Max couldn't have been happier to see all these new shoes from his cousin Finn. He had to put some on right away! Thank you Finn and Family for sharing all your beautiful clothes, shoes and jackets with Max. We are so lucky to have such generous family members like you who are willing to share (and who have really awesome taste)

New Shoes

Gram-ma-Maggie got Max these cute as a button clogs with a yummy lining. Max likes to try and put them on by himself - he almost has it!

Testing Out Halloween Costumes

Well.... we thought Max might like to be a lion for Halloween seeing as he loves to ROAR and GROWL all the time. Gram-ma-Maggie found this adorable Lions costume at Target and we did a test run. As you can see Max is less than enthused about the outfit. I think the hair of the main tickles his face and the hood obstructs his vision. When he turns his head side-to-side the hood doesn't move with his face making him a one eyed lion.

After making Max angry we decided to try the costume on the dogs - Why not! Zoe looked lovely and appreciated the warmth, Max thought is was funny. Then we tried the costume on Jake and he wasn't sure about it or what to do and it really really scared Max. Jake looked kinda scary in the outfit I guess - Maybe Jake should be a Lion for Halloween.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fun Day with MeMike & Pops

Mike and Ron came by to deliver some clothes (2 HUGE Boxes) from Finnley and stayed a while to play. Here are some photos they took. I just love this one of Ron and Max. You can tell they are good buddies.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I did this at and it's free. Click to enlarge - low res image.

Did a little photo shopping on this one today and had to upload it because it's so darn fun! running at 14 months!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ben, Maggie, Max, and I all went to Watson Mill Bridge park last weekend and has a great time. We hiked a 2 1/2 mile trail in the woods! It was so beautiful. Then we had a picnic lunch by the water, played soccer and blew bubbles. It was great to get out and get some exercise and we got some really great photo's. To see all the photos from that day go to Our Flinkr Site.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Web Cam Fun After Nap Time

If you ever get a chance to check the nap cam (link to the right) just after nap time you may get a nice little Max & Ben Show too. Sometimes Max will nap in Ben's office and Ben uses the webcam as a baby monitor. He places Max on a little bed and set's something in the frame that moves and since it's on the web we all get to watch too! The moving object is necessary so you know your frame isn't frozen. Max can be so still sometimes you wonder if it's working so the moving object helps with that. Ben usually IM's me and tells me when it's set up and I watch him on and off while I work. The best part of course is when he wakes up! These are some pictures I took today during my Ben & Max show and they are so great I had to share.

So when is your best chance to check out the Show? Monday, Wed. and Friday Max is usually home with Ben. Nap time is anyones guess but check around 12 or 1 for your best chance.

I love technology!

Adrian's 1st Birthday Party!

We had such a great time Saturday celebrating Adrian's 1st Birthday. It was a balloon theme with helium balloons all over the place, dangling ribbons like streamers all around. Adrian was so cute! He is really a daddy's boy! He did a great job with his cake once he got started and enjoyed it slowly. When Max saw Adrian eating cake he made a bee-line for him. I had to scoop him up quick before he got the plate. Max remembers from last month maybe how good cake can be. Then Adrian decided it was time for him to open his presents. He got a laptop from Ben, clothes from me and toys from Max. A wonderful toy car from Carlos that everyone loved. More clothes from the grandparents that were really really cute! and a push along car from his mom and dad. It was a wonderful day!

I can't believe out boys are one and they will be 2 before we know it. They grow up so fast we have to take lots of photos so we can look back and remember. I gave Max a high and tight hair cut that weekend so see if you can notice his baby curls are gone sad but cute too. I have to give credit to my darling husband for all these wonderful photos. He has caught the photo bug and with his new camera he is really taking some great shots! Way to go honey!


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Hangin' with the boy's eating burgers.

One of the boys mornings outside on the deck. Max has taken to eating an apple in the morning - So cute. We have seem a tone of prying mantisis around and Ben cought this great shot of a bright green one.