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Friday, August 17, 2007

Our Life at the Hospital (TMI?)

Wednesday we went to bed around 1AM. I couldn't sleep because I hadn't see Max since his delivery that morning. Ben had been Host to family and going back and forth to check on Max and to the house to let the dogs in and out.

1AM - 3AM the medicine mechine they had me hooked up to kept beeping very loud and not stopping for long periods of time waking us up on and off. 3AM - 6AM we got a good bit of sleep.

At 3 and 6 we called the NICU to check on Max and he was better every time we called. By 6AM they told us he was out of the oxy tent and we could touch him. By 2PM the Dr. said Max was well enough for us to try and breast feed him! yea! Both Ben and I got to hold him and love on him. All 5 grandparents came to visit and one Uncle and by 7pm of the 2nd night we were zombees!

Today we are still kinda zombees and are going to try and sleep all day between feeding Max and ourselves. So far I fed Max at 3AM and 6AM and I pumped for Ben to do an 8AM Feeding. I'm up again at 11:30 so I better catch some zz's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I need to get used to checking you guy's blog. I didn't know you had Max early. He looks absolutley beautiful. You two sure made a handsome son. I want to talk to you and see him, but I have a cold right now and Jamie said that isn't good to have around the baby, so let me know when you guys get home or your room number so I can call and talk to you. I hope you are hanging in there. Love you - fee