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Monday, August 27, 2007

Finnley's Visit!

Max's cousin Finnley came to visit yesterday along with Uncle Gabe, Aunt Rebecca, MeMike & Pops! It was so cute to see Finnley with Max. Finnley is 2 years and it made us imagine Max being that age. Fun to imagine the two of them playing together when Max get's bigger. Finnley was very gentle with Max and said he loved baby Max. Along with Finnley they brought Ben and I a bunch of yummy casaroles to stock our refrigerator & Freezer. I'm so grateful not to have to cook just yet.

Max is slowly having more awake time between naps. It's nice to see his eyes more often and wonder what color they will end up being more blue or more green. I need to get better about napping when he does but I end up watching him or getting stuff done around the house instead. It's starting to catch up with me a bit so Ben takes over from 6AM to 9AM and let's me sleep in.

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