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Friday, August 17, 2007

Day 3 of Life as Parents.

We knew we weren't having any visitors Friday and figured we would be able to catch up on sleep and have a relativly "easy" day but we both had to throw in the towel and nap at 2 different points. We will see how we do tomorrow living in our 3 hour segments of feed, pump, sleep.

We all get to go home Sunday some time. Max is doing really really well. He totally seems like he really smiles sometimes. Every one says it's gas but it's still melts my heart! He should be off his IV tomorrow by the end of the day. His Jondus is better and improving.

I'm doing good. Everyone said if you walk right after and keep it up you recover faster. Since Max is in NICU I have to walk from my room down one hall thru the lobby up the elivator down another hall to get to him. Doing that up and back every 3 hours has really helped I guess. I have had no pain "knock on wood" a relativly easy time walking. I haven't done any stairs yet, I'm saving that for Sunday.

I'll try and take more photos Saturday so you guys can see how much he has changed in just a few days.

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