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Friday, August 06, 2010

Turning 3

I can't believe my little snuggle bunny is turning 3. Seems like just yesterday we were accident proofing everything! Now we have no gate on the stairs! He moved up to the 3's room at play school yesterday. Max has about 4 or more kids who all went together from the 2 room to the 3 room so he has lots of friends already. He will have a big boy cubby and the teacher wants us to fill with pictures of his family - cute! I like the teacher a lot. He is making good headway on the potty training. He has great table manners and has been sleeping thru the night a lot in his big boy bed! He makes up these crazy stories about working in a big building that has an elevator, going to his office where he makes news, riding a motercycle, helicopter, train... he rambels on and on and if you listen really close you might get every 3rd word. I've recorded some of it on my phone to listen to any old time.

I look forward to this year of 3 to 4 and all the new things. I do miss the baby though.

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