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Saturday, July 03, 2010


I decided to take a photo of the lovely harvest we picked last night. I'm like a proud moma. I think we are going to have more cherry tomatoes than I can eat!!! Anyone have any good Salsa recipes?

We finally took out the volunteer pumpkin plant. The vine bore bugs have eaten it up. We got one tiny lil cute pumpkin out of it before that happened. I have no idea what to do with it.... It's weird to see it with all those sumer vegetables. The garden looks a little empty without the large green leaves and bright yellow flowers. I think Ben plans on trying pumpkins again when the season is right. Who ever heard of harvesting a pumpkin for the 4th of July!!!

1 comment:

Wesley Womack said...

Is that garlic in the front? What a great thing to grow. Garlic gets put in most dishes around here.