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Friday, June 25, 2010

A path emergies...

Well maybe not that easy but free! I have been wanting to do something about all the grass that has been growing up between out garden boxes. The are hard for Ben to mow between and slugs and spiders love the tall grass and my exposed tootsies! I had dreams of a very zen stone path type of thing but settled for something I could do sooner and free.

First I got the weed-eater and cut the grass down to the dirt. Then I took a bunch of scrap cardboard and laid it down over the path. Cardboard is great stuff in gardens & landscaping! it makes a great weed barrier because it's s thick and biodegradable, breaths and is mostly free and lying around anyway. Then I covered all that with pine-straw from the woods. Not the cobble stone path of my dreams but certainly an improvement!

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