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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Big Day

Max had his Dr.'s apt. today and I only cried once, ha ha. He cried for 3 seconds after his 3 shots, what a trooper! He weighs 14lbs, 7oz. He is 24 1/2 inches tall. He grew 1.6 inches in 2 months. His head circumfence (if you are interested) grew 3 cm and is now 41. His head is in the 20%, his height in 45%, and his weight in the 50%. The most exciting part is it's time to start feeding him. I kept trying to get the Dr. to tell me exactly what and how much and she wouldn't she baically said just do it. So we did. He is really cranky today and wasn't that into it but we will try again soon. Here are photo's of his 2 bandades from the shots, his feeding sesion and daddy soothing him durring a cranky moment.

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