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Monday, November 05, 2007

Tummy Time!

Max is growing up so fast. It's amazing how much babies change and grow in the first few months. We haven't been very good about tummy time because he seemed to hate it so much but that is changing too. Thanks to Aunt Diane's mini boppy and our persistance Max has gotten better and better at holding up the cute little head of his. This mini boppy helps him work his neck without having his face burried into the floor like flat tummy matts. Max has started working his tummy as well. He will try and sit up when he is in the seated position in his swing or car seat. It's really cute like he is doing crunches or something. All of these things are great but the best by far is the laughing. He has been siletly laughing for a while now but this new laugh has sound and is so wonderful! I've only heard two little one's. Once while he was sleeping and once in the car it was like "hu ha"! It's so amazing to here him laugh, I see why Mommies and Daddies do some crazy & silly things just to hear that sound!!!!


Anonymous said...

That top picture looks sooo much like ben!!! Wow! What a cutie! :D

Anna Johnson said...

Thanks! He does really look a lot like his dad!