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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Oh Santa!

Well I guess Santa wanted Max to have a 4-wheeler. max loves it. To someone without kids this may just look like 5 photos of the same thing but it's so much more! Look at that tiny adorable face!

Christmas with the Johnson's

Another wonderful Christmas with the Johnson's and McCluskey's. Mike & Ron's attention to detail is amazing. Their home was decorated beautifully with tiny touches of Christmas cheer in unexpected places. Looking back thru the photos Ben took that day we noticed a few decor changes mid day! We also notice a whole lot of happy people! We got a lot of smiles in every photo. It's a good thing to notice - hey - we were really happy! So it was warmish you will notice Finn's bare feet. Also the picture Mema is so excited about is a tree made up of one handprint from each great grand child. I never realized her and Papa had 10! Happy Happy Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Elmer The Christmas Elf

We finally got our own Elf December 17th. We named him Elmer and he is a really good little elf. He doesn't get in to trouble like other peoples elfs. The most mess he has ever made was when he made a snow flake one night. I will miss him when Christmas if over but hopefully he will come back Dec. 17 2012.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

We celebrated Christmas at Olive Garden with my parents and family Sat. Max was so good. and it was great to see family.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Some fun photos. We were just hanging out after dinner watching Star Wars. Max is all into his stuffed animals all of a sudden he has to have all of them with him all at once. So we did the ET thing. In the process his toy snake scared me and he said "we need to work on that" so he proceeded to desynstatize me from the snake by putting it in my hair.