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Sunday, April 25, 2010



The long awaited haircut.... cute no matter what!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010



Close up

The Garden

Well finally the long awaited garden has been planted! Sunday I took all my little tender plants and put them in there appointed spots. We have a sprinkler set up in the middle hooked into a timer so they will get about 30 min. every morning for the next week. We also had to come up with a make shift fence for the dogs, it's not pretty but it does the job and keeps them from running through. So far so good Everything survived the transfer from cup to ground and even the lettuce has a few new leaves. One problem we are having with the organic compost is it keep growing! our weeds are pumpkin vines and squash, tomatoes and peppers! we could just grow our compost!!! hahaha. I know it doesn't look like much now but it shows some great promise I think!


So Ben started this lettuce quite a while back - I wish I had photos of it in the snow! Some how it survived and we cut it an ate it! It was gorgeous and made enough salad for two meals Our very own organic lettuce! I'm so proud of my hubby!

Okay got some catching up to do....

These are from a few weeks back. Having a great morning with Max on the trampoline - one of those happy moments I will remember forever. The weather was perfect! No pollen yet and not too hot we rolled around and jumped and played and sometimes just laid there watching birds and airplanes. We just had a good ole time hanging out together. Max had the great idea to get the camera so we did... enjoy.