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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Anniversary To Us
Ben and I have been married 5 wonderful years on March 26th

Romantic Snow Globes by

Our Plants are coming along very nicely! The Squash is the biggest and the green peppers are the smallest.

Here is a cucumber plant that is having trouble letting go of it's shell.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Don't be alarmed! It's still the same blog we just changed up the look a bit!
Hope you like it.

Max and I went to Touch A Truck at Heritage Park Saturday morning. There were huge cranes, a fire truck, a bomb squad robot, helicopter, tractors, motorcycles and big orange dirt moving things! He LOVED it! He wanted to drive everything of course. He ended the trip with a nice hay ride that almost put him to sleep. Then we came home and had a picnic in the back yard while we did some light water color painting before our nap. It was a nice Saturday.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Seeds in a cup full of dirt with water and sunshine for 5 days....

Is it time to mow the lawn! Spring is here! We all had a great time mowing the lawn and taking pictures of each other.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Farmer Ben

Our Garden Boxes

Our Babies

Plants to come...

A Shocking Discovery!

Nice Weather!

YAY! Fianly some nice weather! Whooo hoooo.

While Ben and I talked veggies in the back yard today Max jumped on the trampoline (with extremely close supervision) and his hair got FULL of static. Bless his heart everything he touched shocked him for a good 5 minuets.

Ben and I have started getting the gardens ready. Ben's compost and a few bags of new soil have been turned in already. We have seedlings popping up in our kitchen window sill and have mapped out where we will plant everything. I"m excited about planting sunflowers this year . Sunflowers are so pretty and i've never grown any of my very own. We are planting too much but it will be fun, Big Tom's, lil Toms, zucchini, cucumbers, green peppers, carrots, sweet potatoes, Jalapino's, spinach, broccoli and I'm sure I'm leaving something out. The only thing we have left to get are some tomato cages and we will be all set.

Now for a nap :)