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Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy Anniversary To Us
Ben and I have been married 5 wonderful years on March 26th

Romantic Snow Globes by

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lowes Build & Grow

Max is an official member of the Build and Grow team now at Lowes. This was the second time he has been and I hope that we get to go many many times more!

Christmas 2.1
Back to the Johnson's to celebrate Christmas with all the Great Grandparents! Finnley gave Max an old tricycle. Max always enjoys his Great Grandfathers company. I would also like to note what a great photographer my husband is!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Christmas at the Olsen's

our 3rd and final Christmas was spent at the Farm with Jack and Fran, My brother Kem and his fiance Carla and my sister Sandra and her husband Stan. Max was the only kid at this one and bless his hart he was not feeling well still. The only thing he ate was icecream and lot of it! Oh and M&M's (what happens at Grandmas stays and grandmas) Max got this wonderful airplane bike from Ben's Uncle Gordan and a whack a mole game and some cloths. I got a bunch of neat stuff including a musical instrument made out of a gord and ben got a great new tripod for his camera. Fran cooked an outstanding dinner with some old favorites like my Grandma Olsen use to serve and Sandra baked a delicious chocolate Cake. Max started a round of Jingle bells and we all sang it while cleaning up the dishes - it was nice and I think we sounded great!

More photos from christmas. The sponge bob bandaid was just for fun to make him feel better and you can see in one photo he got ahold of the underarm thermometer. After Christmas he saw the dr. and they gave him antibiotics for the ear infection and something for his cough. He was a little trooper!

Well I"m finally getting around to Christmas no. 2 at Maggies. We arrived on the 24th after out morning at Mike and Ron's. Max fell asleep and since he was so sick we all sat in the car with him (maggie too) and let him sleep for an hour or so while we softly chit chatted. That evening we decorated a cho choo train ginger bred house and all went to sleep. About 1am Max woke up getting sick. Mom helped me clean him up and we tried to give him tylenol but he wouldn't take it so.... we had to resort to other means ( ew - I know!) all I can say is thank Gawd! my mom was there!!! after that we all slept till a respectable hour in the morning. Mom made us a great breakfast and we watched Max open presents and eat candy off the ginger bread train. He seemed to be feeling much better just a tiny fever and he took his medicine no problem! We got mom a Snuggie in pink that she loves and a home made gift that Max made of a hand print in clay painted and decorated. It was a wonderful christmas and I'm so glad we all got to spend it together.

Friday, January 01, 2010